At Thatch & Stone we don’t just love the home we’re in, we love the world which surrounds it. Our environment is as important to us as the quality of our products, which is why we are so passionate about our clothes airers.
Without the need for a tumble drier, the airers can cut your electrical bills and help you do your bit for the environment. The pulley operated clothes airers raise your washed clothes above your head, in a way which has been used to dry clothes and free up floor space for decades.
Our traditional clothes airers come in a range of 4, 5, 6 or 7 laths with cast iron ends available in a variety of colours, including: black, white, red, green, blue, cream, chrome, brass and bronze.
Our laths are made from quality New Zealand Pine from which are responsibly sourced, kiln dried, aged and left natural so your clothes don't snag when being removed or stain whilst drying, unlike many other similar airers on the market that use cheaper Red Wood laths which can seep and splinter, causing damage to your clothes.
We know these can be expensive to ship due to the length of wood so we have set up hanging airer 'kits', these come with everything you need, apart from the wood, enabling you to source this yourself.
Product information
What’s in the box?
Width of Airer
3 Lath | 4 Lath | 5 Lath | 6 Lath | 7 Lath |
281mm | 342mm | 493mm | 552mm | 655mm |